Health Promotion at Awas

Holy Week here in Nicaragua is a week long vacation for most folks. Popular places to spend your Easter vacation in RAAS include going to Pearl Lagoon to go swimming and hang out at Awas. Its a shallow water beach that people flock to which makes it a great place to do health promotion. Srujana and accompanied Ministry of Health staff there to set up a table. In a nearby house, nurses performed HIV testing and counseling which was the primary focus of the activity. We also distributed condoms and a few people stopped by to get their blood pressure checked.

The different health posters in the pictures above are some of the nicer educational posters that I’ve seen. The ones in the pictures above are in Miskitu and English. Because Pearl Lagoon is almost an entirely Creole community, it is necessary to promotional materials in English. However there are some Miskitu as well, on the road to Awas you pass through 2 Miskitu fishing communities. It’s definitely an interesting language.

P.S. Check out the Chris Paul jersey!

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