More from San Ramón

On our last day in San Ramón, Cassandra who is the current health volunteer there gave us a quick tour around town. The primary highlight was her favorite panaderia, where I took the opportunity to get a few photos. Anna is the blonde in the green shirt in the pictures above, it was her 23rd birthday that day. In the photo with me is Sarah McDaniel, she was my roomie back in DC. Another photo is all of us taking a break at the panaderia, while Cassie talks about her day to day life and work responsibilities as a Peace Corps volunteer.

The next stop was the World Vision office, which in the photo above has a guard sitting out front. It was a quite average looking place from the outside. I can’t wait until my friend Heather sees this. She is working for World Vision in Angola, Africa right now. She also keeps a GREAT blog about her interesting life and often posts about Public Health. You can reach her blog from this page by clicking on the link, A Minha Vida, under “Blogs I follow” in the right hand column.

And the breathtaking beauty against the turquoise backdrop is Natalie.

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